Bags are purchases I typically think about for a long time and save up for. I collect them and rarely ever sell them or give them away. I learned this from my mother who once gave me an old, small Louis Vuitton cross body bag that she purchased when she was traveling Europe with her friends one summer long before I was born. My mom is a freak of nature and keeps her bags, shoes and clothes in pristine condition – something I am trying hard to improve with my own stuff! Why is it that I destroy my shoes in a season and have to spend all this money to repair them every year!? I’ll save that for another post…
I wore the bag my mom gave me hundreds of times despite it being 20 years old. Bags go in and out of style, but when bought right, are timeless. There are many people who are (understandably) in the camp that it is outrageous for women to spend (sometimes) thousands of dollars for a leather good to throw a phone and wallet in. Although I agree that conceptually it seems ridiculous, a bag completes an outfit, is functional, and can last a very long time. And… if you were to run a “cost per use” analysis on your bags vs. that Zara top that you wore once, I bet the bag would be cheaper.
A bag can be a big investment, so here are some things I consider when looking to add a new one to my “collection”:
- Does the bag serve at least two purposes? Can I wear it day to night? Or work to weekend? If a bag is very large and “tote-like” I will likely only wear it to work. If it is casual enough, can I use it on vacation to take on the plane? This is my favorite tote I ever purchased and is 50% off in seemingly amazing condition. It is definitely expensive, but I wear it any day to work where I have to change my shoes, any day it rains (it wears incredibly well,) and bring it on almost every trip I go on. A tote bag that I’m currently eyeing (that is much more affordable) is this one. I love the quilted, casual, look and the fact that it does not scream a brand name. It also makes for a great gift if you’re starting to think about the holidays!
- Does the bag match my wardrobe? If you follow my feed, you’ll probably notice that I wear a lot of black, navy, gray taupe, burgundy, pink, and green. Although I wish I could, I don’t wear a lot of tan/ camel as it doesn’t look great against my skin tone. I shy away from bright colors (although I’m working on being a little more adventurous!) and stick to a pretty neutral palette. In theory, this should mean that I could get away with wearing colored bags because my wardrobe is so neutral. In my opinion, if you find the coolest bag ever, but have nothing to wear with it, there is no point in buying it. The bag in the photo at the top of this page is one of my all time favorite neutral colors. It looks great with the green/ burgundy color schemes I wear as well as the creams, blacks and taupes. Totally different vibe, but I thought this was another great (and functional) neutral bag.
- Is the hardware loud or muted? Sometimes I am lured in to bags with bright hardware. Although there are definitely use cases for bags like these, I personally find them harder to wear. Particularly when the bag is darker against a light colored hardware (i.e. I find a black with gold hardware to be difficult to wear.) I lot of hardware could make a bag seem dressier, could clash with hardware you have on a coat, shoes or jewelry you are wearing, and can come off a little flashy. Take a look at this leopard bag, for example,there is silver hardware but it does not fight the strong leopard print. The strap is a very thin, muted silver link, and the buckle isn’t too large or overbearing. Many of the bags I own have gold or silver hardware on them, I just try to make sure my overall collection is filled with some that are more neutral.
- Is it it functional? Can I fit my computer in it? Is it very delicate? Does my phone fit if it is an evening bag? Does it have a zipper compartment for valuables? This Fendi bag is one of the most functional, and well used bags I own. Many of you have commented on it in my photos before. There is a large zipper compartment in the middle with two large pockets on either side. You can carry it by the handle or by the (very cool looking) longer strap to throw over your shoulder. I’ve shoved chargers, notebooks, shoes… you name it… into this bag and it has held up unbelievably well. It can also expand into a larger size if you happen to be carrying more than usual one day. I found it for 50% off here in amazing condition, but if you were looking for a new one, you can find it here.
- Is it trendy? Will I want to wear it next season? This question really depends on your budget and the cost of the bag you are looking at. I try not to buy anything too trendy unless I am buying something very inexpensive. There are definitely uses for trendy bags, but for me, I have enough use for more timeless pieces!
Shop some of my favorite bags here! (scroll through.. lots of options!)
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