I absolutely love the holidays. Being a mom has made them even more fun. Buying gifts for Scarlett, who is now a toddler, has become a dangerous addiction, but finding the right gifts that she actually enjoys is a challenge. I’ve compiled here a guide of gifts that I either recently bought Scar that she LOVES or gifts I’m planning to buy her and why. These are perfect for any growing toddler you know!
Play easel
I don’t know what made me purchase this, but I saw it online and it has become one of her favorite toys. I’ve read a ton of reviews and this one seems like the “one” to buy. The height is adjustable and grows with them. There is also a coloring side and a magnet side. Bonus, it’s 25% off here for Black Friday so snap it up now. When we first gave it to Scarlett a few months ago, she loved using the magnet side. I recommend buying a set of alphabet magnets with it. We got these for $9.99 and Scarlett is obsessed. I find random letters all over the house now. Now that she is a little older, we use the paper that comes with the easel and let her draw with crayons. on it.
Scarlett has been given these to play with in various classes and on play dates and loves them. I can’t lie, I sort of like playing with them, too. They help children develop fine motor skills and the child uses them differently as she gets older. Now, Scarlett gets a thrill from from sticking them together and taking them apart. I have seen older kids use them who actually use their imagination to build things. These are pretty expensive for what they are but I think they are worth it. I have mine wrapped up and ready to give to Scarlett for the Holidays! I couldn’t find many sale options but buying them here seems to be the best deal at the moment.
Table and Chairs
On Wednesdays Scarlett goes to a class that begins with all the children sitting around a child sized table and having a snack together. This has become Scarlett’s favorite time of the week. I am SO excited to get her a table and chairs and am still debating which to order! A lot of my friends bought this set and are really happy with it. The price is right, it is compact enough for a New York City apartment and lightweight so easy for small kids to handle. The design isn’t the most interesting, but it seems perfectly functional and neutral. I’ve had my eye on this table and these chairs for a while now and still love it. It’s just more expensive, not on sale, and a little larger. I also found this table and these chairs which seem like a good compromise. They don’t take up too much space, are well priced, and still have a whimsical / fun design. There is also some storage in the table which is an added bonus.
Poke a Dot
A friend of mine recently took her daughter on a very long flight and said these books were a life saver. I decided to buy two of them and give Scarlett one now (because I couldn’t wait) and one for the holidays. I guess I’m a sucker. BUT – she LOVED it. This is such a simple toy that toddlers are absolutely fixated with. It’s a typical book with animals on it, but there are little bubbles for them to pop (almost like bubble wrap) with every animal they are supposed to look at. It helps keep her attention with what’s on the page and learn some basic skills like counting (we are totally not there yet, but I can see how it will be helpful!) I bought it here for $12.99. By the way, it is also a heavy, substantial book and feels more expensive than that!
Kitchen and some accessories
Scarlett received this from her besties for her first birthday and it was the best present we ever received. It’s also one of those toys that will grow with them. In the beginning, Scarlett literally just liked opened and closing the doors and shoving things in and out. Now, she is starting to use her imagination. We say “Scarlett, go wash the Strawberries in the sink” and she finds the strawberry on the shelf drops it in the sink and puts her hands underneath. It’s really cute. I thought she would eventually get sick of it, but the opposite has happened. We also keep buying cute accessories to add on to keep her engaged. This is the kitchen we have and LOVE. It is gender neutral, doesn’t take up too much space and is wood (rather than plastic.) It’s also currently only $99.
Our favorite accessory that we bought is this cookie set. It is adorable. It is a wooden “slice and bake” cookie set that comes with a plan, oven mits, and a spatula. The cookie dough velcros onto the pan and then you can also velcro frosting onto the cookies. Scarlett can play with this for hours.
Dolls and accessories
Babies are so much more perceptive than you think. I’m starting to notice it every day. Scarlett now insists on brushing her own hair and is even trying to put her own diaper on (VERY unsuccessfully, don’t get excited.) She has had dolls for a while now. If you haven’t bought your child a baby doll, I highly recommend. We have the Bitty Baby (which is a little larger and better post 15 months) and a few from Corolle (good for any age). All of which are great. Now, though, Scarlett is doing MORE with her dolls rather than just holding them and throwing them. She wants to feed them, she wants to strap them into the stroller (side note – if you don’t have a stroller, you need one!) I am so excited to give her this diaper bag set that comes with diapers, bottles, wipes, etc. for her doll because I know she will love it. Added bonus – it may help her prep a little for the new baby coming in April.
Musical Instruments
It’s no secret toddlers love music. Someone bough this baby grand piano for Scarlett and she is obsessed. it is going to take a while for her to actually play real music on it (obviously) but she has fun sitting on the bench, pulling it out, putting it back in, and exploring all of the different buttons. She gets a kick out of turning it on and off, too. It’s a little larger for the city, but worth getting because it has the bench. It seems like some of the smaller options, she would have gotten bored with sooner. This one should be good to play with for a few more years.
Monkey Marked
This is something for both you and your child. I haven’t done it yet but am going to try to set it up around the holidays. This company comes to your home, creates a safe (and clean) environment for your child to paint in and facilitates an art project. You specify the colors that you want and they really allow your child to be creative and paint! If you are anything like me, you don’t just let your kid finger paint around the house freely. I’ll have to learn soon now that Scarlett is getting older, but in the meanwhile… why not let Monkey Marked do it for me! After your child completes their masterpiece, Monkey Marked takes the piece, adds professional imagery over it, and professionally frames it. It’s a great, sentimental gift for both baby and family!
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