“Back to school” is in the air, so it seems only fitting to do a work essentials reboot! When I think of my work wardrobe, this is how I organize the essentials in my mind. For a type-A person, it was quite therapeutic to put this all in writing!
I did my best to be broad in my selections, but I think it will be more worthwhile to “deep dive/ double click” (does the cliche business lingo make you laugh as much as it makes me laugh?) on each of these categories. It’s hard to show only three options for dresses and pants etc. as I really do think it depends on your body type and budget. Many of the pieces below could be mixed and matched and I tried to show a variety of prices. Let me know if another version of this with more options in each category would be interesting!
I’m also going to plan a desk essentials re-boot because I am psycho about what I keep in my desk. I’ve had too many work emergencies and have learned my lesson the hard way too many times to know what to keep in a desk (i.e. tampons, nail polish remover… I’m sure you get the point!)
Happy shopping!
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