I have to say, I had so much fun shooting this look by the river. The west side highway is somewhere I don’t venture enough and this shoot really reminded me of how much I love New York! In New York, it is so easy to stay in your own little neighborhood, venturing just a mile or two in either direction brings you to a completely new landscape. Watching all of the runners go by was definitely inspiring…. although I think I’ll stick to my New Year’s resolution of yoga classes (I’ll save becoming a runner for 2017!)
Photography by Lydia Hudgens
Just as much as I love wearing leggings to work, I equally love wearing “sweatshirts!” Work appropriate sweatshirts are just a bit harder to find! Okay, the tweed jacket here isn’t REALLY a sweatshirt, but it wears like one and is incredibly comfortable to wear. Pairing this more casual jacket with a basic grey pencil skirt and silk blouse dresses up the look in an effortless way. I hate looking like I’m trying too hard – which is tough because I do try hard! 🙂
On a completely unrelated note:
I’ve been cooking dinner after work every night this week – getting the timing down is not easy but I think I’m getting better at it. Maybe I’ll post some easy after work recipes soon? One trick I’ve managed to follow is to use as few pots and pans as possible to make for the least amount of clean up. I’ve been roasting a lot of chicken, salmon and vegetables in the oven on a tin-foil lined pan so cleanup involves throwing away the tin-foil and lightly cleaning off the pan. Shop the post below:
Theory silk blouse / Joie sweater jacket
M Gemi pumps (which are VERY comfortable!)
Chloe bag
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