I never thought I’d be able to pull off fringe in the office… and then this skirt came around. I’m just a little obsessed. Talk about a modern take on a pencil skirt. I also had a tough time envisioning thigh high boots to the office, and I sort of think these work. Not too high, no platform.. totally professional? The button down shirt definitely helps up the corporate-ness of this ensemble and is a trick I play quite often (dress up most casual bottoms with a button down to make for the perfect Friday outfit.)
Anyone else on the East Coast exited for the snow storm this weekend? I had somewhat of a “down” week at work (which I’m sure many of you can relate to) so can’t wait to cozy up next to my radiator (that I desperately wish was a fire place), snuggle up with a blanket and cozy socks* and sip on a hot chocolate. No plans are the best plans for cold weekends, so I’ll be close tight to my keyboard thinking of more great things to share with all of you! PLEASE let me know if you have any post recommendations… I love hearing from you. I’m thinking of writing a bit more about office culture and key things to know for a job in finance… what do you think?
* Since when are cozy socks trendy? My cozy socks aren’t nearly as cute as all of the people who seem to whip out all of these cute ones to post on Instagram! 🙂
Theory button down / Vince cardigan
Joie boots (similar here and here)
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