Polka dot are all the rave this season – whether they be on the dress that I’m wearing in this photo that’s already sold out 🙁 or on this AG bow blouse that I am desperately searching for – polka dots are everywhere! I thought this look was classic enough to wear to work but also embraced this fantastic fall trend. I found a similar Mango polka dot dress that is next in line for my purchase and looks pretty similar to the one I’m wearing!
I got the belt on my last trip to Europe and have gotten a ton of use out of it already (both in and out of the office). Try searching B-Low the belt for some fun belts to add to your wardrobe. Belts aren’t accessories I typically put a lot of effort into looking for, but really do shape the look of an outfit. I’m starting to become a bigger fan!
Polka dots are also perfectly transitional and could easily fit into summer and fall alike. I thought the pop of navy (in the border) on this sweater was fun – but not too fun. Whoever said black and blue should never be seen was seriously crazy . . .
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