Although I got stuck with an awful stomach bug this week and was definitely not a happy camper, I will say I have a new appreciation for that little drawer in my dresser that is significantly less organized than the rest of my belongings – my pajama drawer! I think every girl hits a moment in life where she realizes that she’s outgrown her sorority sweatpants and ripped t-shirts (collected from ex-boyfriends, date parties, sporting events…) and decides she is ready to trade up for slinky teddies, sleek camisoles and polished “sweat suits.” Pajama wardrobes, however, are built over time, which is why I think they make the greatest gifts for birthdays, bridal showers…. you name it! I’m not saying you should go buy your friend some scandalous bustier from Victoria’s Secret, but there are plenty of pajama options now (although this wasn’t always the case) that will make your friend feel fabulous when she gets into bed! When I lounged around all week, I was so appreciative of all of those comfy bridal shower gifts I received last year – especially my Eberjey slouchy pants (details below) and wanted to share some of my new favorites with you! (hint hint – if anyone needs to get me a gift anytime soon, this is what I want!!*) Happy browsing, click for details – and let me know what you think!
* Just kidding 🙂 I have absolutely no special occasions coming up!
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