As you can probably tell, I love wearing white in the summer! It feels so crisp and seasonal. I also know I’ll have to put it all away post labor day so there is something novel about it – especially white pants. And after an exhausting search, these are hands down the best ones I’ve found. The Banana Republic Sloan Pant (available in tons of different colors), the best work pant ever invented that I am embarrassed to say I did not know existed until a few weeks ago (I now own three… and bought a pair for my little sister!) Despite being so white that the slightest drop of coffee will most certainly be noticeable, these pants have the perfect amount of stretch to stay comfortable, but also enough structure to stay professional. The cropped length makes wearing them even easier, as I don’t have to worry about the bottoms dragging on the NYC streets during my commute home when I change into sneakers (I walk home in sneakers every day, it is a very cool look in the city, I assure you). Now that I have raved enough about these fabulous pants that I can’t promise I won’t post about again, let’s talk about this top. The Kooples (in my opinion) have majorly turned a corner and last I visited one of their shops, I fell in love with so many different pieces. I can’t lie, it was previously a brand I never paid much attention to. I think this print is smart, chic, and looks expensive (come on, can’t you envision it in a Ralph Lauren advertisement in Vogue?) The print comes in a white and a black top, and they made a fabulous dress out of it that I passed on at the register (and have ever since regretted). I thought the combination of white on white was fun for June (almost July!) and although I know I’ll have to put these fabulous pants away in August, I have a feeling the top will be one I wear all year long!
Pants: Banana Republic (here) ** white is on sale!
Top: Kooples (here, in black) and here is the dress I was referring to that I might have to go get this weekend! What do you think?
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