That feeling when you are ready for a long weekend…. I just wrote a(n) [AWESOME] blog post and as I went to save it, my whole computer crashed and I lost everything! #workinggirlproblems – Better at home than in the office, right? So, take two! For those of you who know me, color is NOT my strong suit (hehe no pun intended), so this is me trying! I saw these Theory pants in the window at the beginning of spring and thought they would be a perfect experiment. Good fit, comfortable, and subtle. And yes, I should probably branch away from Theory a bit, but I do find that their work-wear is exceptional. A wise friend (Caroline, this is for you) once gave me great advice to keep a color scheme in mind when doing your seasonal shopping – so I picked blush as mine! Now, when I’m in a situation where I find that great shirt I love that comes in three different color varieties I’m not stuck at the register with spacey, googly eyes, debating which to get (I personally end up passing on the color and sticking to the white – BORING!) So, over the past month or two, I’ve collected a bunch of blush pieces to mix with my groovy new pants. These were my first three items – so unless I get an overwhelming hatred of my blush pants – I’ll continue to show you more ways to wear them! Here I picked a monochrome texture, a sharp contrast (hot pink — eek, I know), and a blended pattern. Hope you like it!
And now……. we’re only two days away from the long weekend!!
Pants: Theory / Tops: Theory, Phillip Lim (hot pink) / Necklace: Aqua
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